Introducing Module 9 – A Cesarean Can Be Traumatic for Both Parents: A VBAC Can Be a Healing Experience

Jun 21, 2023 | All About VBAC, Healing from a Traumatic Birth, Planning a Better Birth, Uncategorized | 0 comments

If you had a traumatic cesarean birth and find yourself struggling with distress, anxiety, or even symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after your childbirth experience, Module 9,  A Cesarean Can Be Traumatic for Both Parents: A VBAC Can Be a Healing Experience offers you valuable insights and guidance to help you heal from your traumatic cesarean experience and confidently plan a VBAC. Fathers/partners can also experience a cesarean birth as traumatic. You can download Module 9 of the VBAC Education Project for FREE from our website.

Understanding the Impact of Childbirth on Mental Well-being

Childbirth is a transformative experience that impacts a mother’s mental well-being and her relationship with her newborn. Despite healthy physical outcomes, how a birthing person experiences childbirth has a significant impact on their psychological well-being.

Module 9 will help you to understand the impact of childbirth on your mental well-being, and your relationship with your baby, and gain awareness of the potential link between cesarean birth, postpartum depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  Some challenges and uncertainties come with planning a VBAC. You will find valuable guidance, tools, and resources to help you heal from your traumatic cesarean experience and consider the empowering option of a VBAC.

Supporting Fathers/Partners in Healing from a Traumatic Birth

In Module 9, we also address the often-overlooked perspective of fathers/partners who witness the complexities of childbirth, helping them understand and heal from a traumatic cesarean experience. Fathers/partners are often unprepared for the potential complications of childbirth and the speed at which a normal process can turn into a life-threatening event. This lack of preparedness can contribute to feelings of anxiety and stress.

Not having access to information and being excluded from decision-making during the birth process can intensify a father’s/partner’s feelings of loss of control and contribute to the experience of birth trauma. Many fathers/partners who have experienced a traumatic cesarean struggle to find adequate support and guidance.

By understanding the key concepts discussed in Module 9 and following the suggestions for healing, both expectant parents can regain their sense of control, rebuild trust, and play an active role in planning a VBAC.

Remember, healing is a unique process that takes time, and it is essential to recognize and process your feelings at your own pace. Regain your power, control, and confidence as you embark on the journey toward a safe and empowering VBAC.

Module 9 can help you start your journey toward healing and empowerment today. You are not alone, and we are here to support you.


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